The Season of Giving
We have four ways you can give to our partners around the globe this Christmas:
Quibdo, Colombia:
Our church partner ministers to displaced families struggling to make ends meet.
You can join them in providing food baskets
for families and presents for children.
$30 will bless one family

Support evangelism and discipleship efforts by remote local churches. Thousands of people are still waiting to hear the Good News of Jesus!
$30 will help one church for one month
Our partner churches in Jordan are selflessly serving hundreds of refugees from Iraq and Syria. You can join them by providing a food basket for a family!
$50 will bless one family

Equip church planters with bicycles so that they may reach many more villages with the gospel.
$100 per bicycle
Advance Worldwide
P.O. Box 561, Frederick, MD 21705

* All donations are tax-deductible. Advance Worldwide is a 501(c)3 non profit organization incorportated in the State of Maryland.
You can also:
Right now we partner with local churches in villages in India and Colombia that are making a difference in many children's lives through nutrition, education, and Biblical discipleship.
Please contact us for more specific information.
We are developing a program that will support a breed of revivalists impact their own local communities in remote or unreached areas with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through mentoring and servant-leadership training, we will support these pioneers to see their God-given dreams a reality.
Please contact us for more information.
Churches in remote areas are positioned to respond to the immediate and long term needs of their communities whenever disaster strikes. Advance Worldwide is building strategic partnerships with local churches that will be the Beacons of Hope bringing relief efforts and the hope and love of Jesus to those in crisis.
Thank you for partnering with us!